There are many outlets and platforms these days to seek out work. One great place to start is with a temporary staffing agency. Is there a difference between a Temporary Staffing Agency and a Temp Agency? While they are both very similar in the sense that you can find temporary work, Temporary Staffing Agencies are more focused on the long term needs of their clients, seeking jobs that might start out as temporary positions but are more likely to lead to full time work. Temporary staffing agencies usually offer a wider range of options as well as more tailored solutions to meet their clients needs.
Both temp and temporary staffing agencies provide their corporate clientele workers that have the experience level and expertise that they are looking for. Depending on the needs of the company, corporations will contact a temporary staffing agency they are working with to fill a short term position, sometimes with very short notice. Corporations may also reach out to a temporary staffing agency in advance to fill more permanent positions as well. This can be an amazing aid to companies that may experience unexpected absences such as maternity leave, illnesses, emergencies, etc.
While temporary labor is a lot more costly than having permanent employees, sometimes this is the only option when dealing with unexpected absences. A temporary staffing agency is a great option for both the corporation as well as the workers within the database of the agency, as these short term positions can lead to more permanent roles in a lot of cases. Someone who is actively searching for work, whether it be part time or full time, temporary or permanent, a temporary staffing agency is a great outlet for learning about the needs and skill set of each worker and staffing them accordingly. A temporary staffing agency is also very beneficial as they do the majority of the leg work for both the worker and corporation they are working with.
What is the difference between a temporary staffing agency and a recruitment agency? Certain companies that experience high turnover rates tend to work with recruitment agencies to place employees quickly to reduce the time to hire and recruiting cost. These types of agencies are more focused on longer term work and have a broader scope and term of work. From a workers perspective, a temporary staffing agency can be a great option if you are looking to experience different types of employment without making the full commitment.
Synergy Staffing is a temporary staffing agency in Salt Lake City providing jobs for individuals across the Wasatch front. To see what positions are currently available, visit their website.