Breastfeed is recommended for all infants. There are some exceptions like sick newborns and premature babies to whom the pediatrician’s advice to breastfeed exclusively for around 12 months or as long as desired. It is suggested because of the amazing benefits of breastfeeding as it is nutritionally good and enhances mother-child relationship. But there are some parents who choose organic formula feeding, which can be possible because of reasons like medical conditions or personal preferences. Parents are sometimes restricted not to give breastfeed because of illness, and there is no reason to feel guilty in this.
Pediatricians suggest organic infant formula as they are a great alternative to breastfeeding. It has been researched that formula-fed babies are not prone to get infection-fighting antibodies, and they need to get a supply of antibodies. Both breastfeeding and formula-feeding have their own benefits, but it totally depends on the circumstances about what to choose and what not. In today’s time, parents are moving to formula-feeding because of numerous reasons.
There can be many possible reasons by which parents choose to formula-fed their babies like:
- There can be an insufficient supply of mother’s breast milk.
- There could be a possibility that the baby is not sucking effectively.
- Parents are not able to provide the appropriate amount of breast milk that babies may need. Some parents are so concerned about the intake of their baby’s feed, and therefore they allow bottle-feed to know the exact measurement.
- Another noteworthy reason for formula feeding can transfer of drug intake by mother to infant through breastfeeding. Drugs can be in the form of medications that are unsafe for infants may include gold salts, cimetidine, lithium, cyclophosphamide, and more. There are plentiful of medications that have negative effects on the baby. If mother consume any of such medications, then you must choose bottle-feeding instead of breastfeeding.
- Working mothers find formula-feed the best alternative as they work and find less time to breastfeed. It has been noticed that formula-fed babies eat less, whereas the breastfed babies eat more because the breast milk digests easily. This is the main reason why breastfed babies become hungry recurrently.
- The best advantage of bottle-feeding is family can do their work. The mother can get proper rest and can take care of herself and her baby.
It is imperative to give the infants things that are helpful in achieving proper growth and maintain good health. Infant formulas are good as they have an appropriate amount of protein, fat, water, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. But also, you must take care as some infants are allergic to cow proteins, which are present in formulas that are milk-based. Those who have allergy from cow milk can develop diarrhea, abdominal pain, wheezing, skin rash, and rectal bleeding. Therefore, it is better to give both breastfeed and formula-feed a try and get to know which is better for your infant. Check out the reasons mentioned above on why the parents prefer formula-feed more.